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- TF01
- 3,The Hunter - Part 4
- 4,by Stuart Mackaness
- The Vanguard Chronicles - "The Hunter"
- ----------------------------------------
- by Stuart Mackaness
- ---------------------
- Warner glanced around the table. The small observation room was
- crowded with his senior officers. Each was either examining a padd or
- desktop display, the meeting was about to get underway. Li sat next
- to him carefully checking his figures on casualties and other
- statistics needed for his report. At the far end of the rectangular
- table Gart was running a simulation on the small television sized
- viewscreen on the back wall with Hermandez and Dean. Halk was
- discussing personel distribution with Karma. All his staff had
- something to do except him. He would receive all of the compiled
- figures once his department heads had compiled them all. For now he
- just stared into the void of deep space through the single huge
- window which filled the side wall.
- "Okay people, what have we got?" he asked, informally beginning the
- meeting.
- Halk turned to him."Commander Karma and I have revised both the crew
- placements and their efficiency over the past day, and we can find no
- area where they could improve noticably." she turned to face Gart,
- "Especially the engineering teams who've kept this ship operational
- even though she's taken enough damage to put her in drydock for a
- month."
- Warner nodded almost imperceptibly to his Chief Engineer. "Thank you
- number one." He turned to face Li. "What do you have doctor?"
- The Bajoran looked up from his padd. "Fourteen dead, thirty minor
- injuries." he paused for effect, "Medical is completly wrecked, I
- can't get a completly sterile environment in the jury rigged sickbay
- in hanger two because one of the shuttles is badly damaged and until
- an hour ago, was burning fiercly."
- "What about shuttlebay one?" Warner asked.
- "Decompressed at the moment, I'm working on it but when I've finished
- I'll need it for the weapon." Gart replied.
- "What about the people who are injured?" Warner asked
- "I can heal them in shuttlebay two whithout too much of a problem,
- but the shuttle needs to be cleared." Li conceeded.
- "See to it Number one." Warner ordered Halk. "Now what about this
- weapon?"
- Gart took his cue and activated the viewer again. A small wire-frame
- model of the Vanguard appeared with the hunter on the opposite side.
- "By outfitting a type seven shuttle with a device I am constructing,
- it should be possible to affect the hunters shields in such a way
- that we would gain an advantage."
- Warner considered this for a moment. "What kind of device are you
- suggesting Chief?"
- "Commander Karma is compiling the data at the moment, when she's
- finished I will be able to tell you more."
- The room lapsed into silece for a moment until Halk spoke up. "How
- are you sending the shuttle over there? Remote?"
- "The hunter may be able to disable the shuttle if it's remotly
- controled. Lieutenant Dean has volunteered to pilot the ship and then
- we'll beam him back before detonating the shuttle." Gart explained.
- Warner looked up sharply. "Out of the question, I'm not risking lives
- in that way."
- "Sir, I'm willing to go!" Dean exclaimed.
- "The shuttle will be piloted by remote, my desicion is made." Warner
- countered, "Besides, I need you to get the Vanguard out of the way if
- things get too sticky."
- Dean nodded reluctantly."Yes sir."
- "Standard weapons?" Warner asked Hermandez.
- She smiled slightly at this, the discussion had come into territory
- she was sure of. "With information already supplied by Karma and
- Chief Gart I've adapted both the ship's phasers and the hand units to
- frequencies and settings which should be more effective than before."
- "Hand phasers?" Li commented.
- "Just incase boarding action is required." She replied casually.
- "I see you've taken every contingency into hand Lieutenant." he
- retorted, hints of anger tainting his words.
- They weren't lost on her. "If we are boarded or we need to beam over,
- then I want my people to be as well equipped as possible."
- "Very comendable Lieutenant, but have you considered the bloodbath
- we're in for if the hunter's crew beam across. Their ship tried to
- annihilate us in the last battle, I don't expect them to be any more
- forgiving."
- Waqrner could see the tensions rising. He stood up slowly and crossed
- over to the viewer. He looked at Karma. "Number two, would you kindly
- display the simulation I asked you to develop for me."
- Karma flew across to the padd on the table and hit a sequence of
- buttons. The static image of the Vanguard and the hunter suddenly
- animated. The Vanguard aproaching and the hunter twisting round to
- bring it's guns to bear.
- "At this stage we are considering that Chief Gart's weapon isn't
- ready just yet." Warner announced.
- The Vanguard began to fire small circles and lines, which the
- computer anounced as photon torpedoes and phasers. They struck the
- hunter in several places, then it returned fire. The Vanguard
- flickered and a small cluster of numbers appeared.
- "What are those?" Li asked.
- "Shield status, hull damage and casualties." Karma replied.
- "But that says we've lost our shields!" Hermandez exclaimed.
- Gart explained. "I've repaired the power couplings with the materials
- to hand. The replicator can't create the whole unit, just the main
- components and they will take the best part of two days to assemble."
- "So the power system can't take the demand from the phasers and
- shields." Hermandez continued.
- The scenario was continuing to unfold. The Vanguard was being
- assaulted with barage after barage of fire from the hunter.
- "With the medical precautions you've taken, we have still lost
- sevent-five percent of the crew to burns and other injuries which
- wouldn't prove fatal under normal circumstances." Warner said to Li.
- The doctor looked down at his padd and slowly shook his head.
- "With insufficient crew to repair damage or contain fires the
- Vanguard..." Karma began her conclusion. As she spoke the wire-frame
- Vanguard broke apart. The viewer darkened.
- "Let's hope the real ship fares better." Warner declared. "We've all
- got a lot of work to do."
- * * *
- Several hours later, the bridge was alive with officers detailing the
- new strategies and rostas that the briefing had sparked.
- "Captain, we are entering the Bajoran system." Hermandez announced.
- Warner looked at the main viewer as the blue and green globe swung
- into view.
- "Bajor." Li breathed. He was standing behind Warner's chair,
- captivated by the sight of his homeworld.
- "How long's it been Li?" Halk asked from her position at Mission Ops.
- "Eleven years." He replied.
- There was a deliberate pause as they all took this in.
- "Where's this wormhole?" Warner asked Halk in an attempt to break the
- silence.
- "The Deep Space Nine station is near the mouth of it." She answered.
- "Where's DS9?" Warner persisted.
- Li turned to face Hermandez at tactical. "Enhance area J-Twenty
- Nine... please Lieutenant." He said.
- A portion of the viewscreen enlarged to cover the previous image. One
- of the 'stars' on the original image had now become a very small
- image of the redesignated Cardassian ore refining station. After it
- was given over to the Bajorans at the end of their occupation by the
- Cardassian Union, the Provisional government had invited Starfleet to
- man it in order that the Bajoran people wouldn't feel threatened with
- Cardassian space at their doorstep. Later on the first stable
- wormhole was discovered. It allowed access to the Gamma Quadrant in a
- few minutes instead of a seventy year journey by the normal routes.
- Many new species were encountered by the mixed Bajoran and Starfleet
- crew on the station as new races came through the wormhole. Many more
- left this quadrent to explore the mysteries of the other side.
- One such exchange was happening right now.
- A blimp shaped vessel with podules scattered across it's surface
- suddenly dissappeared through the explosion of light and energy which
- occured whenever any ship entered the wormhole. The swirling entrance
- suddenly collapsed, leaving the station alone again.
- "Lay in course away from the planet Bajor. Set course towards the
- demilitarised zone, that's where the Cardassian Central Command have
- projected it will emerge from. Warp six." Warner ordered.
- The deck vibrated slightly as the ship shot forward.
- "ETA fourty five minutes." Dean announced.
- Li turned to go, as he reached the threshhold of the turbolift, he
- called back to Warner.
- "Thanks for the detour Jonathan, I owe you one."
- "Don't mention it old timer, I thought I might let you see home
- before your age-ridden body turns to dust." Warner chuckled.
- Li smiled. Since the Acadamy they had been joking about their ages.
- Warner was a few years younger than Levitt but graduated at the same
- time due to his aptitude and career choice. Going into medical ment
- hundreds of lectures and exams which Li could have done without.
- As the 'lift doors parted, Lieutenant Commander Karma flew through
- them. Li was only mildly surprised at this. Now that the ship was
- away from Bajor, Karma probably felt more at ease. It had been a
- Bajoran vessel which had saved her in her dilapidated shuttle when
- her homeworld's sun went nova, killing the normally isolationist race
- known as the Farenoids. Only Karma had survived the disaster in 2293.
- She now felt a twinge of resentment towards the Bajoran people, a
- twinge she fully explained to Li every time they held a conversation.
- "Hello Karma." He said quietly.
- "I'm fine, get off my case doc!" Karma shouted.
- Li shrugged his shoulders and left the bridge.
- "Nice to see you're feeling normal commander." Warner smiled.
- Karma sat down at her station after death-staring the previous
- occupant out of it. She turned round and locked Warner in a steely
- glare. "This must be that fabled Terran wit I've heard your kind
- has." She said sarcastically.
- Not wanting to be drawn into an argument, Warner gave her a hollow
- smile and changed the subject slighty.
- "So how's your research on the hunter going?"
- "Fine thank you captain." Karma said briskly.
- Warner let the pause last for several beats. "You want to expand on
- that?"
- "We haven't got much to go on yet." She replied.
- Warner rose from his seat. "It's nearly one o'clock, I'm going to the
- galley. Let me know of any major developments."
- Making her way to the left of the bridge, Karma sat down at the
- science station. During the battle, it was one of the few auxiliary
- consoles which survived the various fires and explosions of the last
- day.
- "Computer, make a database link with records from Starbase Jarened
- and the USS Draken." She ordered.
- "Unable to comply. Both sources have been terminated at source." The
- computer responded.
- "Are there any stored records of the databases?"
- "Affirmative."
- "Where are they located ?"
- The computer paused for half a second. "There are fifteen thousand
- sources with various portions of data from the listed directories."
- Karma took this all in, it was going to be a long night.
- * * *
- The Secatur dropped out of warp, in it's path a battered freighter
- lay derelict.
- On the bridge, Ocett was furious.
- "Who ever did this will pay dearly." She cursed.
- Murvek called to her from Sensors."Gul Ocett, I am picking up a warp
- trail unlike any I've seen before. It could be the hunter."
- Ocett turned on him, her eyes blazing dangerously. "Fool, obviously
- it's the hunter!" She hissed.
- "My apologies Gul."
- "Lay in course!" She called.
- The ship launched into warp again, her captain was determined to
- arrive on time at the next encounter.
- * * *
- Warner took a mouthful of his Plomeek soup, the strong taste stunning
- his senses for a moment. The Vulcans weren't renowned for bland
- dishes. Looking across the galley he saw Hermandez and Dean in deep
- discussion. He was much like Dean himself twenty years ago, doing
- similar things with a pretty technician from geology. Warner glanced
- at his bowl, it was empty. Losing track of things! He scolded
- himself. Rising he made his way over to the replicator. Placing his
- dish in the cavity, he watched as it disassembled in a blue glow. He
- had always enjoyed the time he spent in the ship's geology
- department, it wasn't just the technician he was interested in. He
- was fascinated by the various forms of planets and their cores.
- "Sir?" A voice broke his revire.
- He looked up and saw Dean's concerned face staring at him from where
- he was seated next to Hermandez. Then he realised he had been looking
- at Dean all the while he was thinking of the geology department. He
- coughed embarassedly and made his apologies. As he made his way out
- he saw Dean in the corner of his eye, he has resumed his conversation
- with his date.